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Victorian Property Restrictions Eased | October Coronavirus Update

1 October, 2020 / Category: Homebuyers

Victorian Property Restrictions Eased | October Coronavirus Update banner image

From Monday, 28 September, one-on-one inspections resumed in Melbourne for both buyers and renters. In this context, one-on-one means that an agent is allowed to show a single person through a property; and that person may be accompanied by a housemate, or a partner and/or children. Inspections will have a time limit on them of up to 15 minutes. 

The Real Estate Institute of Victoria have also confirmed that anyone looking for a new home may travel beyond their 5km radius for an inspection. But, there is a caveat, which is that Melbourne residents will not be able to travel to regional Victoria to inspect properties, until further notice.

It will come as no surprise that we at Infolio are beyond relieved with this news. The original date set by the government was 26 October, so to have restrictions ease almost a full month earlier gives us hope that we will see the Spring selling season pick up. 

The ban on inspections has had a hugely detrimental effect on the industry – more so than any other limitation that’s come with lockdown. While virtual auctions and inspections have been able to take place over this time, to expect people to purchase or lease without physically seeing a property first is too much. 

Now those who have been stuck in a property limbo will be able to resume their plans to buy or sell – at least some of their financial and emotional stress will be alleviated. 

We’re excited too for the opportunities we believe are awaiting our clients. We will do all we can to ensure you access desirable properties, and are fully prepared to navigate processes, regardless of how the restrictions might continue to change and have an impact on how the industry functions.

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